あらゆる分野・業種が話せる英語力:政党 → japanese political parties



自民党: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
公明党: Komeito
立憲民主党: Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP)
国民民主党: National Democratic Party
日本維新の会: Japan Innovation Party
共産党: Communist Party
れいわ新選組: Reiwa Shinsengumi
参政党: Party of Do It Yourself
社民党: Social Democratic Party (SDP)
日本保守党: Conservative Party of Japan
無所属: independent
選挙: election
候補者: candidate
政権: administration
議席: seat
党首: party leader
選挙区: electoral district
党大会: party convention
公約: campaign promise
連立政権: coalition government
議案: bill
党員: party member
政策: policy
支持率: approval rating, support rate


立候補する:run for office
連立を組む:form a coalition
議席を獲得する:win a seat
選挙運動を行う:campaign for election
政策を発表する:announce a policy
候補者を支持する:endorse a candidate
選挙で投票する:vote in an election
公約を決める:set a campaign promise
過半数を獲得する:win a majority
過半数割れする:lose a majority
政権交代する:change the government
下野する:lose/go out of power
政界再編:political realignment


◯◯ Party is preparing for the upcoming general election by finalizing their campaign promises and organizing rallies.

During the election campaign, the party leader will visit various electoral districts to gain support from local voters.

◯◯ Party is focusing on healthcare reform and has announced a series of policies to address the issue.

In the party convention, there was an announcement for the new policy directions.

The coalition government has been working on a new economic plan to stimulate growth and improve the approval rating.
