あらゆる分野・業種が話せる英語力:選挙 → elections



選挙: election
候補者: candidate
投票: vote
投票所: polling station
選挙運動: campaign
選挙区: electoral district
得票数: number of votes
投票用紙: ballot
選挙管理委員会: election commission
開票: counting of votes
選挙結果: election results
選挙戦: election battle
選挙キャンペーン: election campaign
選挙戦略: election strategy
投票率: voter turnout
選挙権: right to vote
不正選挙: election fraud
政策: policy
政見放送: campaign broadcast
当選: election victory


vote in an election: 選挙で投票する
run for office: 立候補する
campaign for election: 選挙運動を行う
announce election results: 選挙結果を発表する
cast a ballot: 投票用紙に記入する
win the election: 選挙に勝つ
organize a campaign: 選挙運動を組織する


The election campaign is in full swing, with candidates visiting various districts to gain support.

Polling stations will open early on election day to accommodate all voters.

Election results are usually announced in the evening, after the counting of votes is completed.

Candidates will present their policies during the campaign to attract more voters.

Election fraud can severely undermine the integrity of the democratic process.
